- commit
- 8dd4fed
- parent
- e2230b5
- author
- Eric Bower
- date
- 2025-01-27 23:32:11 -0500 EST
4 files changed,
1@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ abbr -a sway sway --unsupported-gpu
2 abbr -a notes nvim -c '"cd ~/dotfiles/notes"' ~/dotfiles/notes
3 abbr -a tre "eza --tree --color=always | less -R"
4 abbr -a pp PA_DIR=/home/erock/dev/pico/pico-pass pa
5+abbr -a logs "ssh pipe sub /pico/log-drain -k | jq -r"
7 if type -q direnv
8 direnv hook fish | source
1@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ function setup_comp()
2 },
3 sources = {
4 { name = 'nvim_lsp' },
5+ { name = 'minuet' },
6+ },
7+ performance = {
8+ -- It is recommended to increase the timeout duration due to
9+ -- the typically slower response speed of LLMs compared to
10+ -- other completion sources. This is not needed when you only
11+ -- need manual completion.
12+ fetching_timeout = 2000,
13 },
14 })
15 end
1@@ -118,6 +118,46 @@ require("lazy").setup({
2 require'lualine'.setup({})
3 end
4 },
5+ {
6+ 'milanglacier/minuet-ai.nvim',
7+ config = function()
8+ require('minuet').setup {
9+ provider = 'openai_fim_compatible',
10+ n_completions = 1, -- recommend for local model for resource saving
11+ -- I recommend you start with a small context window firstly, and gradually
12+ -- increase it based on your local computing power.
13+ context_window = 512,
14+ provider_options = {
15+ openai_fim_compatible = {
16+ api_key = 'TERM',
17+ name = 'Ollama',
18+ end_point = '',
19+ model = 'deepseek-r1:14b',
20+ optional = {
21+ max_tokens = 256,
22+ top_p = 0.9,
23+ },
24+ },
25+ },
26+ virtualtext = {
27+ auto_trigger_ft = {},
28+ keymap = {
29+ -- accept whole completion
30+ accept = '<A-A>',
31+ -- accept one line
32+ accept_line = '<A-a>',
33+ -- accept n lines (prompts for number)
34+ accept_n_lines = '<A-z>',
35+ -- Cycle to prev completion item, or manually invoke completion
36+ prev = '<A-[>',
37+ -- Cycle to next completion item, or manually invoke completion
38+ next = '<A-]>',
39+ dismiss = '<A-e>',
40+ },
41+ },
42+ }
43+ end,
44+ },
45 -- vim plugins
46 'rhysd/git-messenger.vim'
47 },
1@@ -88,27 +88,29 @@ Host p.*
3 Host pico.nue
4 HostName netcup0.nue.pico.sh
5+ Port 650
6+ User root
7 IdentityFile ~/.ssh.id_ed25519
9-Host pico.ash0
10+Host pico.ash.0
11 HostName oracle0.ash.pico.sh
12 Port 650
13 User root
14 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
16-Host pico.ash1
17+Host pico.ash.1
18 HostName oracle1.ash.pico.sh
19 Port 650
20 User root
21 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
23-Host pico.ash2
24+Host pico.ash.2
25 HostName oracle2.ash.pico.sh
26 Port 650
27 User root
28 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
30-Host pico.ash3
31+Host pico.ash.3
32 HostName oracle3.ash.pico.sh
33 Port 650
34 User root