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Eric Bower  ·  2025-01-13


 1=$ a
 2=$ b
 3=$ c
 5# 01/05/2025
 7=> $a Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave
 8  Make a list of things we should start and stop doing and discuss with family
10  Stop behaviors
11    Count to (3)
12      Each step take 5 seconds before progressing
13      By (3) there needs to be a consequence (time out)
15  Start behaviors
16    Incentive that happens once they get in the car seat
17      Piece of gum
18      Sticker
19      etc.
20    How do you find motivators?
21      Stuff that motivates the kid are things they dont want to stop doing
23=> $b Dr. Daniel Amen on the #1 Foundation to Raising Mentally Strong Kids
24  Core Conversation #1: Brain health is foundational to mental strength
25    Most psychiatric illnesses are not mental health issues at all, but rather
26    they are brain health issues that steal people's minds.
27    It starts by talking to them about having a healthy brain
28    If a child has a problem, society blames the parents, but what if they are
29    wrong?
30      Blame the brain
32    Brain health
33      Love your brain
34      Avoid anything that hurts your brain
35      Engage in regular brain-healthy habits
37=> $c 10 Things Parents Should Never Do (& What To Do To Build Confidence)
38  Ignore their brain
39  No bonding
40  Don't listen
41    If you want your children to pick your values then you have to be connected
42    with them
43    If you aren't connected with them they will pick the opposite values
44  Rescue your kids
45    You don't want them to hear your voice, you want them to head their own voice
46    You want to be their coach, not their dril sergent
47  Do too much for them
48    You increase their self esteem by stealing theirs
49    Entitled people can never be happy
50  Fail to supervise
51    Know
52      Where they are
53      Who they are with
54      What they are doing
55  Model unhealthy behavior
56  Forget what you were like at that age
57  Tell kids they are smart
58  Focus on what they're doing wrong